Thursday, January 8, 2009

It's A New Year.

As of today, I'm 8 weeks, 3 days out. I'm down 40.5 lbs. Things are going pretty good. I'm trying to get my protein in as best as possible. Instead of drinking shakes, I started using the protein bars. They have anywhere from 10-30g each. I find the 30g ones to big and can only have half at a time. I find I'm eating more beans (and not really suffering for it either LOL) I eat Lean Cuisines and the like which also have a decent quantity of protein.
Liquids remain a problem for me. I'm just not a big drinker. I am making sure I feel fine however. I don't want to become dehydrated.
I started back to the gym yesterday. I only did 30 mins on the treadmill. I wanted to use the machines, but was intimidated my the amount of people there (it being January and all) and I really didn't want to sit and try to figure them out with other people looking on and waiting on me. I figure I'll hire a personal trainer for a few weeks to help me learn a routine.

Everything is looking good. Weight is coming off and I'm shrinking. I bought a few new clothes to help me feel good about how I look and now I'm feeling all is right in my "me" world.


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