Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Two Week Post Op Appointment.

Yesterday I went for my first post op appointment and to my surprise I'm down 13 lbs.

They were quite pleased with my loss, with meeting my fluid and protein requirements and with going dancing already.

They've given me the go ahead to go back to the gym, so I"m looking forwards to that.

Next appointment is Dec 29.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

12 Days Post Op.

Well, it's only been 12 days, but it might as well be 12 months. Besides still being on liquids, I feel great.
I'm driving again since I'm off the pain meds. Nice to have my independence back.
This morning I drove to town for my daughter's hockey game, and soon I'll be off to my son's game.
Tonight I'm going out to a benefit. Nobody is expecting me but I'm gonna shock them all right. I haven't seen these people since before my surgery. It's just to bad I don't have a noticable weight loss yet, cause that would be nice.

Two days ago I got my medic alert bracelet in the mail. I ordered it a week before surgery. It looks cute and I feel better knowing I have it on.

Yesterday I went out and treated myself to a manicure. I'm a nail biter and I haven't chomped down on them for 6 weeks. I felt I deserved a little pampering.

Monday morning I have to bring my vehicle in for an emission's test. After that, I'm off to the States to shop then to my first post op appointment. I'm excited to see if I've lost any weight and to see if I can get off these liquids and on to purees.

Monday, November 17, 2008

One Week Out.

Well, I'm doing really well. I still feel pulling when I stand up and I lose my breath easily.
I'm not really in any pain and everything is moving now.
I still have a problem sleeping. For some reason I just don't feel tire... the kind of tire that makes you sleep, not to be confused with tiring easily LOL. I still do tire easily when I stand in one spot. I'd actually rather keep moving.

The nutritionist from the clinic called this afternoon to see how I was doing. I'm pretty much getting all my fluids and I'm really close to reaching my protein goals. She's pretty happy with that. I'll tell ya thought, drinking all that is a full time job.
She said purees are easier but I still need 64oz of fluids. Ha, how can that be easier.

Friday, November 14, 2008

I'm Home

I've been trying to write this post all day. Seems every time I start, I get distracted then get to tired.
So here we go one more time.
I had my RNY on Monday, November 10 at about 1pm. I returned to my room about 4. I remember whining my belly hurt, and it did, but I was so out of it that I just don't remember.
My friend Kim was there with me, and I had a special visitor, our very own Sheila, or MaTrix.
I was awake about every half hour. I just couldn't sleep... Not that I was in pain, but every half hour I slept felt like 4 hours. The nurses came in about every 2 hours to work with me on my breathing exercises. That was a pain in the butt. I would get up as often as I could and walk around the floor. They wanted me to walk, but I did it often enough on my own that they never asked me to walk.
On Tuesday, I went down and had an xray to see if I had a leak. They told me they didn't think I did even before the xray because I'd be in so much pain if I had. I had to wait 5 hours for the doctor to read the results. Then I was given a prevacid which made me feel nauseous and my first food try which didn't sit well either.
My blood pressure rose quite high and I needed meds to bring it down. My face was beet red and bloated. I gained 14 pounds overnight from all the liquid they pumped in me.
Yesterday I was doing good. I was up, they took out my IV and I was able to shower and dress in my own clothes. I waited for my ride then I was off to home.
Last night I was good, glad to be home.
Yesterday I was feeling even better although my muscles feel a bit tender. After all they did cut into them so it's to be expected. Today, I'm able to lay on my side and get up out of bed much easier. Muscles don't feel quite so tender. I'm trying to do some laundry, but I'm finding that's taking a lot out of me. (I'm not lifting the baskets of clothes)

Everything turned out good., The pain wasn't as bad as what I'd had imagined and if the results are what I expect, I'd do it again in a heartbeat.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Tomorrow Is The Big Day.

I've been drinking only clear fluids all day. I didn't really think about how my eating is now all done and over. We went to Dairy Queen on our way home from Reilly's hockey tournament, and that's where it hit me. It's over. No more.
So I've been living off of chicken broth and jello. I want to eat so bad, but I just keep reminding myself one bite and my surgery is put off and that's just not acceptable.

I'm actually not to nervous. I'm doing ok. Tomorrow will be a killer though.

I'm bringing a journal with me so I can log everything that happens. I can then retype it onto my blog later when I get home.

So now it's time to say Goodbye To the Fat Lady once and for all.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Got My Arrival Time For Surgery.

I got the call this morning and I have to be at Barix for 11am on Monday. I'm so excited. It is sort of seeming more real, but not quit there yet. I still can't believe it's really happening.

I finished day 3 on my liquid diet. Today begins day 4 and I find I'm getting hungry faster. I don't hesitate to have a shake or a bowl of soup. I may be on liquids, but I'm not going to starve.

When Holly from Barix called, I told her I couldn't find Dolcolax so I bought a different suppository, she said I needed the Dolcolax. So I need to call the pharmacy and see if they have it behind the counter. Maybe I'll take a trip into town instead. I still need to buy my travel insurance anyway.

I ordered my medic alert bracelet yesterday, but I need to call them back because they have a membership I want to register for. It will allow EMS to call a number and access all my medical files.

Must get back to the laundry now. It's going to be a big weekend and an even bigger week next week.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Day 3 On a Liquid Diet.

So far I've gone 2 days without solid food. I'm doing well today too. I'm eating protein shakes and soup. I'm making sure I'm also take my vitamins.

It's Wednesday Already, and Surgery Monday Will Soon Be Here.

Well, first of all, I have been so busy posting in different forums and replying to messages, that the time is really flying. I can't believe I go in on Monday.

Yesterday I got to talk to my wonderful angel on the phone. She gave me some great advice and tips to make my surgery and recovery easier. I now know a bit more about what to expect.

Last night I went to a support group in the city. There were about 40-50 people there. We went around the room and said our name, where we were on the journey and how much weight we lost. Together the group has lost over 3700lbs. It was amazing.
Learned a lot there too. I'm going to try to find a medic alert bracelet that says gastric bypass, caution, no blind (&^%$&%) tubes. (don't remember what those breathing tubes are called)
I also met up with a lady I went to high school with. She looks fantastic.

Well, I have so much to do today, cleaning, laundry, bring the gym my letter to hold my membership and groceries.

Tonight I'll be calling another new friend of mine that I've met on OH. I'm so excited to talk to her. She is a blast and I know I'm going to work my belly muscles laughing with her LOL.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

One Week From Tomorrow.

Well, time is really flying. In one week from tomorrow I'll be going for my surgery. I think I'm almost ready. I still want to buy a sippy cup and a few baby spoons.

This week should really fly by. During each day, I'll be cleaning and doing laundry trying to get my house in order. I will even try to make some food for my family and for myself post-op if, I can.

Tomorrow after school I have to take Bry-Anne to hockey practice. Tuesday, I'm sending Reilly with a friend to his practice so I can go to a Weight Loss Surgery Support Group. It'll be the only meeting I can get to before my surgery and I made arrangements for my mom to be here for Bry-Anne. Wednesday I have nothing going on after school. Thursday Reilly has off ice training, but not sure if he'll be going to that due to his injured knee from last night's hockey game. (The only reason he's going to Tuesday's practice is because it's picture day). Friday we leave for Grand Bend for a hockey tournament. Hopefully Reilly is better by then.
We come back from the tournament on Sunday. I'll be on clear fluids all day. As soon as we get home I'll have to take a suppository to clean out my system. At midnight, I'll stop eating.

Thursday I should be getting a call from the clinic with my surgery time. I'm hoping it's in the morning.

My mom will be coming Sunday night so she can be with the kids Monday morning. She can get them off to school while Dan takes me over to MI.

Yep, it's going to be an action packed week. My nerves are terrible right now. I want to puke! My heart starts racing and I start breathing faster. Not a good feeling.

The ladies from Obesity Help have been fabulous helping me get organized and keeping me calm.

Well, I have to get back to my scrubbing and cleaning.

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