Friday, November 14, 2008

I'm Home

I've been trying to write this post all day. Seems every time I start, I get distracted then get to tired.
So here we go one more time.
I had my RNY on Monday, November 10 at about 1pm. I returned to my room about 4. I remember whining my belly hurt, and it did, but I was so out of it that I just don't remember.
My friend Kim was there with me, and I had a special visitor, our very own Sheila, or MaTrix.
I was awake about every half hour. I just couldn't sleep... Not that I was in pain, but every half hour I slept felt like 4 hours. The nurses came in about every 2 hours to work with me on my breathing exercises. That was a pain in the butt. I would get up as often as I could and walk around the floor. They wanted me to walk, but I did it often enough on my own that they never asked me to walk.
On Tuesday, I went down and had an xray to see if I had a leak. They told me they didn't think I did even before the xray because I'd be in so much pain if I had. I had to wait 5 hours for the doctor to read the results. Then I was given a prevacid which made me feel nauseous and my first food try which didn't sit well either.
My blood pressure rose quite high and I needed meds to bring it down. My face was beet red and bloated. I gained 14 pounds overnight from all the liquid they pumped in me.
Yesterday I was doing good. I was up, they took out my IV and I was able to shower and dress in my own clothes. I waited for my ride then I was off to home.
Last night I was good, glad to be home.
Yesterday I was feeling even better although my muscles feel a bit tender. After all they did cut into them so it's to be expected. Today, I'm able to lay on my side and get up out of bed much easier. Muscles don't feel quite so tender. I'm trying to do some laundry, but I'm finding that's taking a lot out of me. (I'm not lifting the baskets of clothes)

Everything turned out good., The pain wasn't as bad as what I'd had imagined and if the results are what I expect, I'd do it again in a heartbeat.

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