Monday, October 27, 2008

Today Was My PATs Day

I went for my PATs this morning. I learned that getting there early would pay off, and it did. I was able to get right in and sign my forms, have my blood work done, my BP, temp and oxygen levels taken then right into the nutrition class. (That class was for the early group and I was actually in the later group) After class I went for my chest x-ray and gallbladder ultrasound.
I met with a doctor who gave me a physical then I had my EKG. Last but not least I seen the respetologist.
The results? lungs clear, blood normal, oxygen 100%, EKG, x-ray and ultrasound perfect and my lung capacity is 120% (20% above the predicted level)
The doctor said my liver feels small and not enlarged at all, even though I'VE GAINED 12LBS! since my consult in June.

After my PATs I did some shopping for my post op needs. I bought 4 more jars of protein powders in great flavours, I picked up more Crystal Lite, Atkins bars and oatmeal. I even found some SF freezys. Now I just need to pick up some soups.
I also bought some new PJs, a robe and some toiletries.

Now it's time to wait until Nov 10.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

16 Days Till Surgery.

Yep, just 16 days left. My PATs day will soon be here.
I'm meeting some nice people on Obesity Help. I've been chatting back and forth with a few ladies. It's really nice to have someone to talk to who's going through the same thing, the same emotions. It's really helping me stay sane.
Nobody around here really understands the feelings I'm going through. I know it's not their fault, but I think it's like most things, unless you're going through it, you don't really understand it.
Dan's been better about things. I know he's trying and God love him for it. He's scared and he's really just as emotional as I am. He goes from anger which is really his fear masked, to kindness and understanding.
I think we just all need to hang tight. Soon it'll all be over.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

18 Days Till My Surgery

Didn't do so hot with my liquid diet again today. I guess I have to have to doctor tell me that I have to do it or I won't be able to stick to it.
I'll bet I'll have to have my surgery open and it'll be my own fault.

Not much else new around here.

Tomorrow the kids are off school and I plan to take them to get a hair cut. I also plan on getting groceries and going to the gym.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

19 Days Till Surgery

I tried talking to Dan about my surgery today, but the phone kept ringing and he had to answer. One time he did listen, but about 90 seconds later his hand was reaching for the phone and he was dialing. I guess must not really have been listening, but thinking of other things. That seems to be the way it goes around here.

He did tell me he's bringing me over the border for my surgery. I didn't think he would because he always has so much to do and he's worried about crossing over. I just assumed my friend would take me. I really don't have a problem with it, I'm use to it. I make plans and actually forget to ask him to come along since he never can. The few times he's mentioned it, I've felt bad for forgetting.

Anyway, he's going to come. Again I feel bad for him coming though. I know he's so busy, and I'll probably be in surgery for 3 hours or so. He's not the "waiting guy". I really do feel bad. He should be running his business not sitting around waiting for me.
I wish I could tell him, but there never seems to be a good time to talk to him anymore. When he's not on the phone or thinking about business, I'm just to tired to engage in that kind of discussion. So things get left unsaid.

So, there's 19 days left.
I wrote out a schedule for my mom to follow. The kids are always on the move. I figure she can go home on the 13th. That should be the day I get out, but I did mention for her to get confirmation just in case they keep me. She'll need to stay the extra day.
Once I'm home, I can get back to my normal routine. I'll just be a little sore and a bit slower.
I'm sure I'll manage.
Dan mentioned for me to postpone the surgery because I have nobody to help me afterward. The truth is, I have nobody afterward even if I did wait. Who would I get? My mom is already staying for 3 days and is coming back on the weekend to drive the kids to hockey. I wouldn't ask her to stay. So, pretty much there is nobody else. Only me. Now, or later, just me. So, I'm going to have to suck it up and just do what has to be done.

My liquid diet isn't so good today. I did have a shake, but I also had a piece of cake I know I shouldn't have. Well, tomorrow is another day.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

20 Days Till Surgery.

Hello and welcome to my blog.

Well, after jumping through a few hoops, I was approved for my RNY. Now, I have only 20 days left until surgery.
I've been trying different protein shakes and doing lots of research to get myself ready.

I'm getting pretty nervous, excited and a bit scared.
I worry about my family. I worry about the what ifs, like what if something happens to me?

I feel my husband really doesn't want me to have this surgery. I don't know if it's because it's something I decided to do for myself and I didn't consult him, or if he thinks it's to dangerous. He says he supports me, but when he get a chance, he says things like I'm "running out to get surgery and who cares about anything else". That refers to my house being clean or who will keep it clean post op.
Well, I'm going to do it. I guess if I have choose the surgery, I have to choose the consequences too. One of the consequences is getting right back to work and keeping my house clean and doing laundry. So be it.
I feel like it's a punishment. Might as well say " Well, you want to speed, you have to pay the ticket"
I could be way off, but that's the vibe I get from him. Other then saying things like this, or telling me I lied to him because I didn't tell him about possibly becoming addicted to something else instead of food, or not looking into the plastic surgery that would come afterward, he doesn't talk about it at all.

Anyway, I'm looking forward to it. I'm looking forward to a new, slim life.

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