Monday, February 13, 2012

22 Days Till Mexico.

I guess it's fair to say I'm a bit disappointed today. After having such a good day yesterday I'd have though I'd have lost something but no, I'm still 189 lbs.
I know it was only one day but from experience, one good day at the beginning usually drops me a pound or two of water weight.
Last night Dan and I were hungry, but I stuck to my guns and didn't eat. I was very proud of myself which adds to my disappointment today.
This morning I caught myself eating a few chips that had been left out on the counter. I quickly tossed them in the trash.
BREAKFAST- cheese stick and green grapes.
I'll probably eat a little something else in a while.
I'm spending my day doing laundry and cleaning the house. It needs it very badly.
I know our trip is still 3 weeks away, but I've already started packing. I need to see what supplies I still need to buy, or if anyone needs clothes since the kids have grown since summer.
I'm so concerned about Bry-Anne. She'll be 14 soon and I know she weighs over 150 lbs. I've cut out the unhealthy snacks, and rarely keep junk in the house. ( They had chips on the weekend). We've been keeping the takeout to a minimum and I've been watching her portions but still she's gaining. She was hiding food in her room, but for a few months now I haven't found anything.
Not sure how to help her.

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