Sunday, December 19, 2010

New Goal Weight

Well, I`ve decided to change my goal weight. I think I`m going to stick with 170. If I get lower, that`s great.
Way back when, when I saw the plastic surgeon (at 190lbs) He told me then that if I had all my surgeries done today I`d be at my goal of 160. Which means I`d have 30lbs of fat and skin removed from my body. So, if I got down to 160 and lost 30 lbs of skin, I think 130 would be way to small for me. Now, since I`ve lost a good deal of weight since that consultation, perhaps I wouldn`t lose 30 lbs with surgery anymore, maybe 15 or 20, but still, I think 170 is a good pre-surgery goal weight. For me, at my height, to be considered normal weight, I`d have to be 159.5 or under. I don`t think this weight is achievable for me without skin removal, and I think to make that my goal would be just like beating my head against a brick wall and I`d get pretty depressed about it.
When I reach 170, if the weight keeps dropping, so be it, but I will be where I want to be.

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