Friday, December 19, 2008

Six Weeks Out Tomorrow.

Tomorrow makes it 6 weeks since my surgery. I'm doing great. I'm down 33lbs. I don't know if that's good or not, but it is what it is.
As a gift to myself, I bought a new digital scale. My old one was at least 10 years old, was accurate, and I had to add 5lbs to get me to what my surgeon's scale said. I've been calculating it that way all along. This one puts me exactly to where I calculated I should be. We'll see on Dec 29. The only problem is I weigh first thing in the morning, buck naked and before I've had anything to eat or drink. My appointment is almost at dinner time, and I'll be wearing my winter clothes, so I don't know how accurate it'll be. The best I can do is come right home and weigh again on my scale with my clothes on and see how close I come.
I've been trying to get all my protein in, but it sure isn't easy. I can't stand the shakes anymore. I'm actually trying to drink one now. The first one in about 10 days. Not going so well, but I'm gonna get it done.

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