Saturday, December 6, 2008

Two Days Shy Of 4 Weeks.

I'm feeling better, but I notice when I first start to eat or drink I get a pain like I'm trying to swollow a chicken bone. It doesn't matter what I eat or how well I chew since it even happens with liquids. Once I continue eating, it seems to get better. I'll have to mention it at my next appointment between Christmas and New Year.
I'm still at a 24lb loss and have been there for a few days. I'm hoping I drop again soon.... like tomorrow.

I'm hungry now, and don't know what I want to eat, but i'd better think of something soon.

People are starting ot notice my loss. Mostly in my face. It'll be hard for most to tell much else since it's winter and we're all wearing big bulky winter coats. Come spring it'll be a nice surprise.

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