Thursday, September 16, 2010

5 Day Pouch Test- Day 5

Today is the last day of my pouch test. I think it's been a great success. My pouch feels nice and tight and even better, I'm weighing my food again. No more over eating. No more picking.
I'm drinking a lot more water and feeling really good about my plan.
Not only did the test kick start my pouch, but it kick started my hope, desire and determination to get to my goal.
Yes, it can be done, and I will do it.

Last week I was going through clothes I had stored. Got rid of a lots of things to big, and found some of my daughter's size 10 jeans. They don't look impossible. I'm a 14 now, and with my new focus, perhaps I'll get there. I'd rather hang on to a size 10 then a 16 or 18. I refuse to hold on to bigger clothes.

Monday I went to the gym and did anti-gravity yoga. It was ok. I don't think it was for me though. I must admit, my abs have been sore ever since. Didn't hit the gym the rest of the week, but I have a plan in place to start again Monday. I want this to be a regular routine. I just need to PUSH PUSH PUSH.

Today's weight was 185.5. I still have more to go to get back to the 176.5 I saw for one day on that scale, but I will get there. I'm hoping to be there for my 2 year anniversary Nov 10. That gives me almost 2 months to lose 9 pounds. Very do-able.

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