Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Happy Camper

Yesterday was a bit challenging in it's own way.
I ate well, and counted my protein, but I was way over. I'm guessing that's not a good thing. I really need to stick to 70g.
Later on, I was craving something sweet, and we have a box of chocolate bars hidden away. I wanted one in the worst way, but I didn't cave. Instead I had dill pickle rice chips. They were a little high in fat, but they killed my craving and I didn't eat chocolate so in the long run, they were fine.

So, today I'm a happy camper because I'm down to 184. Haven't seen that number in some time. I'm happy because I'm seeing the results of my effort, but I have to get it through my head that it's not the scale that counts. This is a new lifestyle and whether or not I see the scale move is irrelevant. This is just how it has to be everyday, no matter what.

I took all my vitamins again yesterday. All except my iron. Since I can't take it with the rest, I forget it. Will do better today.

I was disappointed yesterday because I attempted to go to the gym, and quickly found out there was no way I could work out. The day before I dropped a bottle on the top of my foot. I had no idea it was bruised until I but my running shoes on. I tried walking around to see if I could manage it, but it was a no go. I'm taking today off to. Hopefully tomorrow I'll be able to go. I'm looking forward to getting fit.

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