Thursday, September 23, 2010

Rewards Are Good.

I know I've only been re-focused for a short time, but since I've lost a total of 9 lbs, I felt I deserved a little reward.
Two days ago I bought myself 2 pairs of jeans, and again yesterday, another 2 pairs. I feel thin again. I think I look good in the jeans, and they make me feel good about myself.
I know I'm not at my "pre- weight gain" weight of 176.5, but I'm well on my way. Today I'm at 183.5. Another .5 gone.
My food is very good. I'm eating no more then 6oz per meal. (Mostly 5oz). I'm meeting my protein requirements, and for the most part, staying away from carbs like bread and pasta. I'm eating more fruits and veggies then before. I've taken my vitamins everyday, which is something I was never good at.
Exercise is still a problem, but I've decided that whether or not I go to the gym, I can still exercise at home. I really want to work my butt and legs, and today I seen some great exercises on tv that I'll start doing routinely. Add that to the other exercises I can do at home, and I can have a nice workout. I still want to go to the gym, but on those days I can't.... now I can.

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